During the Covid-19 pandemic, I’ve had extra time for hobby electronics. I ordered some ESP8266 microcontrollers and decided to use the skills that I had developed for my digital clock and Google Calendar automation task.
I made a box that lights up an RGB LED to the colour of a currently-occurring calendar event, and a seven-segment display to show what time the owner of the calendar will be free next. This is especially useful during this “work from home” era, since it shows when the calendar owner is busy and should not be disturbed in their home office.
See the code on GitHub: https://github.com/fwacer/esp8266-event-notifier

Thanks to SensorsIOT for his videos and code that I used as a base for getting this project going. See his repository here: https://github.com/SensorsIot/Reminder-with-Google-Calender